Celebrating food, heritage & nature through the Prism of the arts

Welcome to the home of Clonmel Applefest, our annual festival that celebrates the food, heritage and natural environment of Clonmel and environs through the prism of the Arts. 

In 2025, the festival will take place from Thursday 25th to the 28th September during which time we plan to collaborate with many local and national artists, crafters, food producers, performers and communities to celebrate the rich cultural, industrial and natural history of Clonmel and promote it as a valued place to live and visit for locals and visitors.

We had two wonderful projects in 2024: the Elder of Clonmel part 2 writing project, which explored the lives and wisdoms of some of our Older citizens and OUR SOUL FOOD, a multicultural stitch & talk project around our favourite food memories, which involve sharing food stories and making tablemats and centrepieces for our various tables during the festival week. Cruinniù ná Nòg day took place on the 15th June, as did another Wild Child Day during the month of August. Our brochure launch under the Main Guard on August 31st with live music by the Fresh Air Collective was a joyous welcome to the Autumn and our festival a feast of celebratory events around food and harvest. 2025 promises to be another exciting edition with the theme of #thetiesthatbind as our central theme. Keep your eyes peeled for our bespoke events during the Spring and Summer. Keep up to date by following us on Instagram and Facebook and put those dates of the 25th to 28th September in your diary! Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

What's On

Elders of Clonmel II Book
Elders of Clonmel Part II Book Launch
On sale now
€ 12
Cruinniú na nÓg
Cruinniú na nÓg is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme’s Creative Youth Plan to enable the creative potential of children and young people. This year, it will take place on Saturday 7th June at Kickham Plaza with an Junior (4-12) programme from 12 to 4pm and a senior (13-18) programme from 4 to 8pm.
Families of Clonmel
As part of this year’s project, Clonmel Applefest are proposing to recruit up to 10 family unit to be interviewed for a publication about Clonmel-based families and what they do together. when they spend time together. Nominations should be made by a family member or a thirdparty who will commit to be the liaison person between the various family members and the project coordinator, so as to ensure transparency, safeguarding and ease of communication.
View 2024 Programme